Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Samuel Allen

W.23428 (Widow: Pamela)
State of Vermont
Chittenden County SS.
            On this first day of February AD 1837 personally appeared before me Charles Russell Judge of the Probate Court within and for the District of Chittenden and State of Vermont Pamela Allen a resident of Jericho in the county of Chittenden aforesaid and State of Vermont, aged seventy five years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July 4, 1836.  That she is the widow of Samuel Allen, who was a private in the Continental Army in the war of the revolution.  He enlisted in the City of New York and served as I believe more than one year, but from lapse of time she is unable to state the regiment in which -- or officers under whom he served.  His services in the Continental Army she has no personal knowledge of, but relies upon the records or rolls that she believes will be found in the war office at Washington.  He was at the battle of the Cowpens—and when New York was taken by the British troops under Cornwallis her husband retreated from New York with the American Army.
            He came to North Salem—West Chester County in the State of New York where she was born, and resided until the year 1784 or 1785—about the year 1776 in the latter part of said year—after his term of service in the Continental Army expired.  After she was married to the said Samuel in the year 1777 he was constantly employed as a minute man at North Sale, near the British lines and was frequently called out and engaged in active service in the militia during the whole war—but she is unable to specify particularly the services which he performed or the officers under whom he served—he stood as a minute man at one time one full years and in consequence of their being so near the British lines, it was necessary for the militia to be under arms constantly and consequently nearly the whole of her husband’s time was devoted to the service of his country during the whole war—At one time he was detached with a few others to capture Maj’r Ireland a British officer—that the American might have a British major to exchange for Major Brush an American Major who was a prisoner of war with the British—The few Americans detached on this service passed over to Long Island in the night where they remained until the next night, when they succeeded in capturing Major Ireland—brought him into the American camp and he was afterwards exchanged for Major Brush.  When her husband served as a minute man he served in the capacity of orderly Serg’t.
            She further declares that she was married to the said Samuel Allen on the third day of October 1777, that her husband the said Samuel Allen died on the second day of February AD 1810 and that she has remained a widow ever since that period, as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereto annexed.  (Signed)  Pamela Allen
            Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year above written before Chas. Rusell, Judge of Probate.

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