Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Christopher Cromwell

State of New York
Orange County
            On this fourth day of September 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said county now sitting Christopher Cromwell a resident of the town of Cornwall in the county aforesaid and state aforesaid aged seventy-seven years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United Sates under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
            That he belonged to Capt. Fetters [Felter, Felton] (1) Company of the Town of Montgomery in said County and about two weeks before Fort Montgomery was taken by the English he was ordered by said Captain Fetter to go there as a militia man and aid so said forces under Capt. Cuddeback. (2)
            That on the morning of the day said fort was taken he and about 60 other soldiers were sent across the North River (Hudson) as a guard or flanking party at or near a place called St. Anthonies Nose.
            That Col. McLanghray [McClaughrey] (3) and Gen. Clinton were at that time at said Fort Montgomery. 
            That after the fort was taken he continued in service two weeks longer guarding along said North River making one Month service and was then dismissed.  That this was in the year 1777.
            That in the year 1776 as he believes he was drafted and served the ninth at Ramapo in the State of New Jersey guarding the country against the Tories and served in the company under the command of Capt. Miliken in the regiment commanded by Col. Paulding [Pawling] the Elder. (4)
            That at another time but in what year cannot state he was ordered out by said Capt. Felter with a few others of said company to go to [Peenpack?] on the then frontiers and served two weeks in the company commanded by Lieutenant David Monell. (5)
            That at another time but in what year, cannot remember he served one month as s militiaman at LenianKill in the County of Ulster in said State guarding the frontiers in the company commanded by said Capt. Felton.
            That shortly after Arnold (6) fled to the English and they intended to return up the North River he went out for a class in said Felter’s Company and was one of a fatigue party engaged in building Fort Put on said River Bombproof and served under Serg. Major Watson (7) of New Windsor in said County of Orange for two weeks.
            That in the winter of 1776 as he believes he was out twice in cases of alarm at Ramapo New Jersey under Capt. Roosa of Ulster County New York and served three weeks.
            That besides the periods of services last fore mentioned he was often and frequently out in cases of alarms in the years 1776 &1777 on the North River and on the frontiers in different places and was out in all this kind of service at about five or six weeks.  That he was born in said Town of Montgomery and resided there during the War of the Revolution and ever since except for the last fifteen years. During which he has remained in the town of New Windsor and Cornwall in said County of Orange.
            That he has no record of his age and he does not know the year in which he was born and that he does not know any person in his present neighborhood who can testify to their belief of his revolutionary services.
            That he hereby relinquishes every claim what ever to a pension or annuity except the present and declared that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed with his mark) Christopher Cromwell
            Sworn and Subscribed the day and year aforesaid.  Asa Dunnine, Clerk

End Notes

  1. Captain Mathias Felter [Fetter, Felton] of the Second Regiment of Ulster County Militia.
  2. Captain Abraham Cuddeback in the Second Ulster.
  3. James McClaughrey who was the Colonel of the Second Ulster.  Brigadier General James Clinton.  He had been Colonel of the 3rd New York Continental Regiment in 1775 and 1776.  He also had been Colonel of the Second Ulster.  McClaughrey replaced him when he was promoted to Brigadier General.
  4. I found no Milliken or Milligan.  Levi Pawling [Paulding] Colonel of the Third Regiment of Ulster County Militia.
  5. Lieutenant David Monell was in Captain Henry Van Keuren’s company in the Second Ulster.
  6. Major General Benedict Arnold deserted to the enemy on the 25 September 1780.
  7. Sergeant Major William Watson of Captain James McBride’s Company in the Second Ulster.

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