Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Abraham D. Fonda

W.16576 (Widow, Hendreke)
State of New York
Albany County SS.
            On this twenty ninth day of March in the year One thousand Eight hundred and thirty Seven personally appeared before the Justice Court of the City of Albany the same being a court of Record, Hendreke Fonda, of the Town of Watervliet in the county of Albany and State aforesaid aged Eighty Eight years who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July 4, 1836.
            That she is the widow of Abraham D. Fonda of said Town of Watervliet who was a major in the Militia.  That he entered the service of the United States as a Captain about the month of October 1775 (1)—That she has no recollection of the names of any of the officers who were attached to the Regiment of which the said Abraham D. Fonda was a Captain.—That in the month of June 1778 (2) he was appointed a major and acted in the capacity of Major from time to time till the end of the war.  That she is unable to state the close of his service but believes he continued in the service till the close of the war.  That he was at the Battle of Saratoga and took part in the action at the surrender of Burgoyne—That after the said Battle he was brought home wounded (3) with others from said engagement attended by a Surgeon of the Army but whose name she does not recollect.  That she does not recollect the names of any officers under whom this service was performed—That she is unable to specify other than as above stated any particular period of service in which the said Abraham D. Fonda was engaged but knows that he entered the service as above stated and performed service from time to time during the war.  That she is unable to state whether the said Abraham Fonda was a volunteer or whether he was draughted.  That he resided in the Town of Watervliet and County of Albany above and when he entered the service.  That she knows of no other battles, than as is herein stated in which he was engaged—That when ordered out his [?] which expeditions were generally west or north of his place of Residence.  That she has no documentary evidence in support of her claim other than that which is annexed hereto—That she remembers that Philip P. Schuyler was Colonel of the regiment of which he the said Abraham D. Fonda was Major—That she does not recollect the names or rank of any other field & Company officers—That the said Abraham D. Fonda and Abraham Fonda named in the certificates hereto annexed were one and the same individuals and that his name was written sometimes with the D. and sometimes without.
            She farther declares that she was married to the said Abraham D. Fonda on the twentieth day of August in the year Seventeen hundred and seventy One that her husband the aforesaid.  Abraham D. Fonda died on the Tenth day of October 1799 and that she has remained a widow ever since that period as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereto annexed.  (Signed) Hendreke Fonda
            Sworn to and Subscribed on the day and year above written before in court.  John G. Wasson, Clk

End Notes, Abraham D. Fonda

  1. Abraham was appointed Captain of the Second Company in Colonel Abraham Ten Broeck’s Regiment of Albany County Militia (Third Regiment).   Colonel TenBroeck was promoted to Brigadier General and Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Nicholl was promoted to Colonel.
  2. On June 22, 1778 Philip P. Schuyler is commissioned Colonel as Colonel Nicholl had resigned.  Abraham D. Fonda is also commissioned Major.
  3. General Ten Broeck’s Brigade was in the second Battle of Saratoga, which was fought on October 7, 1777.  This was possibly the battle Abraham was wounded.       

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