Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Consider Fox

State of New York
County of Saratoga SS.
            On this fifth day of September 1832 personally appeared in open court in the court of common pleas and general sessions now sitting Consider Fox a resident of Providence in the County of Saratoga and State of New York aged seventy three years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he was born in New London State of Connecticut in the year 1759 that he has no record of his age that when he entered the service and during the revolutionary war he resided in Hoosick County of Renselaer State of New York that he enlisted in March 1776 in company commanded by Cornelius Sanford (1) for ten months that he served the same at Skeensborough (2) and Tyconderoga Col. Wyncoop commanded the regiment and Gen. Gates (3) the whole forces that in the spring of 1777 he was called out in the militia company commanded by Daniel Schermerhorn (4) marched to Schoharie served six weeks that soon after returning home he was called out with one half of the company of militia to which he belonged commanded by James Denniston [Dennison] (5) marched to fort Edward there served one month under command of General Schuyler (6) served half a month near Saratoga under Capt. Niles (7) that in 1778 he served under Capt. Niles at Cobleskill County of Schoharie where was guarding against incursions by the Indians.
            That since the revolution he has resided in New Lebanon six years and Fordsbush Montgomery County NY 7 years or more that he now resides in Providence, County of Saratoga and state aforesaid and that he never received any discharge from the service and that he knows of no person living who has a personal knowledge of his services.
            That he is known in the neighborhood where he resides by William Govern an Elder in the Baptist Church Fordsbush in Montgomery County and James Summer a Deacon in the church aforesaid and State of New York and Alan Young an Elder in Galway.  That he has no documentary evidence. 
            That he herby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.  (Signed with his mark)  Consider Fox
            Sworn and Subscribed the day and year aforesaid in open court.  Thomas Palmer, Clerk

Consider Fox—S16116—End Notes

  1. Captain Cornelius Van Santword’s Company in Colonel Cornelius Wynkoop’s New York Continental Regiment [Fourth Regiment, March 1776-November 1776].
    First Lieutenant—Abraham Becker
    Second Lieutenant—Obadiah Vaughan
    Ensign—David Becker
  2. Skeenesborough is present day Whitehall, Washington County, NY.
  3. General Horatio Gates.
  4. Captain Daniel Schermerhorn in Colonel Kilian VanRensselaer’s Regiment of Albany County Militia (Fourth Regiment.)
  5. Captain James Dennison in the same regiment.
  6. General Philip Schuyler.
  7. Captain Stephen Niles of the Fourth Albany, Niles had replaced Dennison who had died.

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