Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Joseph Jarvis

R.5558 (Abigail)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Berkshire County SS.
            On this ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty eight personally appeared before me William P. Walker, Judge of Probate and of Wills within and for said County of Berkshire.
            Abigail Jarvis, a resident of Lanesboirough in sd County of Berkshire aged Seventy Five years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on here oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Provisions made by the Act of Congress passed July  7, 1838 en titled “An Act granting half pay and pensions to certain Widows that she is the widow of Doctor Joseph Jarvis who was a private in the Army of the Revolution, that he enlisted into the service in the year 1775 the day and month thereof it is impossible for me to tell, the time he served nor the time when he left the same, but refer to the duly joined depositions of Samuel P. Tyler relative to the same—That in the year 1776 he again served in the Army of the United States the day & month of his enlistment into this service I can not tell only that he was at St. Johns in the month of June of that year.  The length of time he served or the name of his officers, I do not remember. 
            His next service that I am able to refer to was performed in the year 1780 in the expedition against the Indians under Col. John Brown.  He enlisted about the 1st of July for three months under Capt White and was at the engagement at Stone Robby under Col. Brown.  I had no documentary evidence whatever [a line of text crossed out]
            She further declares that she was married to the said Joseph Jarvis on the twelfth day of January 1783.  That he husband the aforesaid Joseph Jarvis died on the Seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord on thousand Eight hundred & Six.  That she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January Seventeen hundred & ninety Four vix at the time above Stated.
            (Signed with her mark) Abigail Jarvis
            Subscribed and Sworn to the day & year aforesaid before William P. Walker Judge of Probate. 

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