Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for James Keech

State of New York
Oneida County SS.
            On this 11th day of September 1832, personally appeared in open court in the court of Common Pleas Oneida Co., now sitting, James Keech a resident of said county and state, aged sixty nine years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated: That he was born at New Fairfield on Janry 1763, no record of age.  Lived at Warrensbush Montg Co. NY when he entered the service, lived since war at same place and since at Western Oneida Col. NY.  That he entered the army as a substitute for his broth John Keech at Fort Stanwix, NY State as he thinks in the year 1777 & 78 in Capt. Scudder’s Co., Col. VanSchaacks Regt., and served about two months and a half—and went to Onondaga & cut off Onondaga Castle, and then returned home—that he enlisted for 9 mos. In April 1778 or 1779 in Capt. Gerrit Putnam’s col., Col Willett’s Regt, and served said tour at Johnstown, Fort plain, Stone Arabia, Fort Herkimer, most of the same [?] year at Fort Herkimer had a skirmish with Tories and Indians—served out said nine months.  In spring of the next year was drafted in Capt. Vrooman’s company, Co. Jno. Harper’s Regt, and served nine months at the Block House at Sacondago [Sacondaga] about 10 miles back of Johnstown and served out said nine months.  In the year 1781 as he thinks he enlisted in Capt. Garret Putnam’s Company, in Col. Willet’s Regt and served at Johnstown and in the region about it in scouts and skirmishes—this was the year at all events that Ross, Brandt & Butler with British Tories & Indians came down—had an engagement at Johnstown, did also after this deponent was in Front guard pursuing them, and overtook their rear guard at West Canada Creek—and forded the creek and Butler was killed there—and followed them about ten miles and we then returned to Fort Plain and was discharged at Fort Windacker [Windecker] having served nine months.
            In the year 1782 enlisted under Capt. Tamont in Col. Bellinger’s Rgt and served three months at German Flatts at Fort Dayton—This deponent never rec’d any discharges in writing—he was out very often in addition to the above service, being almost constantly called out in alarms or for several days at a time—he does not know of any witnesses farther than annexed and refers to the same [?] & Maj. Fink--& Col. VanSchaack, [can’t read several words] VanDyck.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed with his mark)  James Keech.
            Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.  Geo. Brown Clerk.

State of New York
Oneida County SS.
            On this 19th day of January 1833 before personally appeared James Keech of Western [?] in said county who being duly sworn, deposes and says that he entered the army as a substitute for his brother John Keech in 1777 or 1778 as stated in his application on file at the War Office, in Capt. Scudder’s Company, Col. VanSchaack’s Regiment, and served therein as before stated 2 ½ months at Fort Stanwix. This deponent was then between 14 & 15 years of age only.
            In April 1778 as this deponent believes he enlisted under Capt. Garret Putnam’s Co., and Colonel Bellinger had command of the party of the militia to which Putnam’s company was detached, and not Colonel Willet as formerly stated—This deponent served at this time the full term of nine months according to his best recollection as stated in his papers on file.
            In Spring of 1780 this deponent served as drafted militia in Capt. Vrooman’s Company for the term of nine months in Col. John Harper’s Regt as stated in his former affidavit.—
            In 1781 this deponent again enlisted in Capt. Garret Putnam’s Company, under command Col. Willett, and this deponent served therein as before stated for the term of nine months—and was in the engagements therein mentioned—and this deponent also in 1783 also served under Captain Tamont in Col. Bellinger’s Regiment for three months as before stated.
            And this deponent further says that since the receipt of a letter from War Department he has ascertained that the following named individuals were acquainted with the fact of this deponent’s going into service, and this affidavit is hereto annexed showing that the statement of this deponent is entitled to credit viz, Francis Rogers & Thomas Thornton & Jeremiah Burch.
            The reason why this deponent’s name is not on Willett's Regiment he supposes is because this deponent belonged to company called nine months men or levies, and he supposes that the names of the men belonging to the 9 month’s service men not included in Col. Willet’s Returns of men under his command.
            This deponent is a man without any education and has never therefore had the means of making any written account of his service, but has to trust to his memory alone.  (Signed with his mark)  James Keech
            Personally appeared before the subscriber the above named James Keech known as a man of truth and veracity and made oath to the truth of the foregoing affidavit this 19th day of January 1833.  J. Hathaway Judge of Oneida Com. Pleas Counsellor &c.

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