Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Francis Otto

L.P. Malcolm Esq.
Washington D.C.
My Dear Sir,
            I herewith send you a copy of a certificate for Pension, upon which I am under the necessity of asking your instruction.
            Francis Otto died on the 4th day of this month a few minutes past one o ‘clock P.M., leaving his claim for pension, undrawn for the previous year, and innovate to execute a power of attorney to drain it, as leaving any wife.
            Will year arrears state, whether his heirs not minors, can draw the amount now and whit proof will be required of the above facts.
            & oblige yours truly & Respectfully.  J.J. Penfield
Huron Erie Co. Oh
March 15, 1855.
            Declaration.  In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th of June 1832.
            State of Ohio, Huron County SS.
            On this 27th day of February 1843 personally appeared in open court before the court of common Pleas of the County of Huron in said State, held & Sitting in Norwalk Smith and for said County; Francis Otto of Huron in Erie County in said State, a Resident [?] is aged Eighty four years, who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth in his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832—That in the month of April 1777 he served in the Army of the United States as a Private soldier in the Militia of the State of New York & for the term of six months that for said period of service as a substitute for his brother Arthur Otto who was drafted from said Militia—That he served in a company commanded by Captain Richtmyer & Lieut. Burt, the names & rank of the General & Field officers were Col. Vrooman & a Major Baker.—That he marched to Fort Edward & up the Mohawk river—that his place of abode when he entered the said service was the county of Albany at a place called Schoharie State of New York—that in said year 1777, he served in said Militia as a volunteer for three months—that in the year 1778—he served three months as a substitute for one John Weaver in the Militia—that in said 1778 he served as a Volunteer in the Militia for three months.  That in the year 1779 he served in the Militia as a substitute for one Lombard Lawyer for three months in the upper Fort at Schoharie.
            Among his other officers with whom he served were Capt. John Wisden, a Major John Boser &c &c.
            The Declarant in reciting his services says:
            1st He served in the upper Fort in Schoharie in 1777 as a substitute.
            2d  As Volunteer at Fort Stanwix in 1777.
            3d In 1779 at Schoharie and at the same fort and as the last as a volunteer.
            4th  In 1779 a Substitute at Schoharie.
            That he also in addition on to the foregoing he served as Volunteer & substitute in the years 1780 & 1781.
            He cannot now owing to his old age & consequent loss of memory, remembering the particularization but it could not be less than six month & possibly a year—the whole of his services amounting at least to two years & a half—that during said last six months or more his officers were Captain Richtmyer, Adjt Schoolcraft, & [?] names and rank [?] when he was employed in defending the forts in Schoharrie.
            That in each of his aforementioned services, he was with embodied troops which were called into service by the competent authority of the State of New York—That he was for the whole time in the Field or Garrison and that he was not out for any part of the time employed in any civil services, or [?] the war department.  That he was born in Schoharrie in New York State in the year AD 1762 in the month of December the 7th day—That he has a record if his age in the Dutch language made by his father, now displayed, marked No. 1—That he was living at Schoharrie when he was called into service.  That since the Revolutionary Was he has lived in Schoharrie in Canada in Genesee Co. State of New York in Sandusky County State of Ohio.  That he served as a volunteer or a Substitute for men—he was a substitute for the person mentioned in the foregoing part of this declaration.  That he remembers the names of John Deed Lieut. Col. Vrooman, Capt. Richmyer, Adjutant Schoolcraft as officers which whom he served commanding.  That what he received discharges at every part of his services, he can’t remember by whom they were given.  That he never received a commission.
            That he is acquainted in his neighbourhood with Francis Lapman and John G. Hunter, as who can testify as to his character as for veracity and their belief of his many services as a soldier in the Revolution.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension of annuity except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state.  (Signed) Francis Otto
            Sworn and subscribed the day & year aforesaid .  A. Gallalin Sutton Judge of Huron Com. Pleas.

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