Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for James Sackett

S.7449 Private in the company commanded by Captain Sackett of the Regt commanded by Col. Graham, New York Line 2 years.
State of New York
WestChester County SS.  Samuel Youngs of the town of White Plains in the said County being duly sworn saith that he is seventy two years of age last past on the fourteenth day of May, that he well knows James Sackett who now resides in the Village of Syracuse in the county of Onondaga in said State, and has been acquainted with him since some time in the year 1779.  That in the year 1779 or 1780 he saw the said James Sacketts frequently with the American Troops stationed on the American lines in the county of West Chester in said State.  That he at that time was a Lieutenant as this Deponent then understood and still believes to be true, that he well remembers that the said James Sackett and his brother Richard Sackett, who was a Captain on the lines, were taken prisoners by a part of the British Refugees with a number of others, some time in the fall of the year 1780 or 1781.  That in the year 1782 he also saw the said James frequently with the American Troops stationed on the American lines in the said County of West Chester, and this Deponent further saith that he cannot state positively as to the length of the time or times that the said James Sackett served, but according to his best recollection, he thinks he served until about the termination of the war when the Levies were generally discharged.  (Signed) Saml Youngs
            Subscribed and sworn before me this 25th day of March 1833.  John Mead Justice of the Peace

State of New York
Onondaga County SS.
            Personally appeared on this 10th day of April 1833 at the dwelling house of James Sackett in the Village of Syracuse in said County.  Before me John Watson First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in & for said County the said James Sackett, who being sick and unable to attend in open court aged 71 years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he entered the service under the following named officers and served as herein state[d].
            That in the year 1777, he served in a Regiment commanded by one Colonel Ludeston & in the year 1778 he served in a Regiment commanded by one Colonel Graham in the New York Levies but the particulars length or circumstances of such services he does not recollect.
            That about the 4th of May 1780 he enlisted to serve as a Lieutenant in a company commanded by Richard Sackett Captain, who was a brother of this declarant for the term of eight months, served to the expiration of said term.
            That he then immediately & about the 14th day of January 1781 volunteered to serve as a Lieutenant in Captain David Hobbies Company for the term of three months, & served said three months.
            That immediately after the expiration of said three months and he thinks about the 27th day of April he volunteered to serve as a Lieutenant in Captain Richard Sackett’s Company aforesaid for the term of nine months (that during the above services he served with one William Mosier, Robert Baines, Samuel Tucker) and during said last mentioned term, this declarant and said Captain Richard Sackett and several others while on a scouting parting & about the last of November 1781 were taken Prisoners by a party of British Light Horsemen & was take to the Sugar house in New York and about the 5th of December after was paroled, as a Prisoner of War and permitted to go at large at Graves End on Long Island, &b remained as such Prisoner until the end of fourteen months from the said enlistment at which time he was exchanged.
            That during all of the above services he served in a regiment commanded by Albert Paulding Colonel, who was the colonel who took command while in actual service.
            That immediately after he was exchanged which was in the Spring of the year 1782 he enlisted again to serve as a Lieutenant in Captain David Hobbies Company and was under the command of Colonel Thomas Thomas, Commandant, and that he continued in the service until about the close of the war & until the Levies were discharged, that all of his said services were on the frontier in the County of WestChester in the State of New York, that he never was in any General Battle but was in frequent skirmishes & belonged to what was called the New York State Troops.  That he cannot state positively The length of the whole of his said services, but in; positive he served as such Lieutenant more than two years for which he claims a pension.
            That he has no documentary evidence other than that which are herewith sent.

  1. That he was born in the town of Greenwich in the County of Fairfield in the State of Connecticut in the year 1762.
  2. That he has a record of his age now in his house.
  3. That when he first entered the service he lived in Bedford Westchester County in the State of New York and since said war he has resided in Bedford aforesaid from thence to Skaneateles in Onondaga County from thence to the Village of Syracuse aforesaid in said county where he has resided for about five years last past & now resides.
  4. That when he entered the service he volunteered.
  5. That he knew Col. Van Cortland, Capt. Leonard Bleecker of the First Regiment, Lieutenant James Brentler in the Artillery, Capt. Samuel Pell, Henry Dubois, Major Nicholas Fish and Major John Graham who were Regular officers.
  6. That he is acquainted with Col. Elijah Phillips & Gardner Lawrence, residing in his neighborhood who can testify for him, there being no clergyman in his neighborhood who is so well acquainted with him or with the [?] of his said services as the said Phillips &b Lawrence.
  7. That he never received any written discharge from any of his said services.  That in consequence of old age and infirmity he cannot state positively the precise length of the times of his said service but he is positive he served as such more than two years, for which he claims a pension.

That he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present & declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any state.
That he is sick and infirm and is & has been unable to leave his home for the last six months.  (Signed) James Sackett
Subscribed & Sworn before me this 10 day of April 1830.  John Watson, First Judge of Onondaga County.

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