Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Richard Sarles

W.24900  (Widow: Sally.  Married Richard the forepart of November 1777.  December 7th “last past” which was in 1849, Sally stated she was 90.)
Richard died 9th September 1849.
Private, Captain Morseman, Col. Thomas.
State of New York
Tioga County SS.
            On this 19th day of November AD 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer & general [Gool?] delivery holden at Owego in & for the County of Tioga, now sitting Richard Sarle a resident of Owego in the County of Tioga and State of New York aged seventy nine years & upwards who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he entered the services of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.  That he resided at Bedford in Westchester County in the State of New York during the whole of the revolutionary war and was enrolled in the Militia of the town in a company commanded by Capt. Marcus Moseman, Lieut. Gabriel Higgins, and Ensign Ely Tyler, and was sometimes drafted and at other times volunteered for the following service.
            In the year 1776, at the time the British landed & took possession of Staten Island, the company of Captain Moseman was called out for service, the regular troops being then all called to New York—He with his company marched to EastChester where the company was kept on duty a month, when he returned to Bedford.  In the Spring of 1777 he was drafted for a month’s service and entered a company under the command of Captain Richard Sacket, & Lieutenant Abijah Harris attached to a Regiment commanded by Colonel Thomas.  That they marched to a place called Harris’ Purchase where they were stationed.  That during this month’s service they once marched to Kingsbridge between the North & East Rivers.  That at the end of the month he was discharged & returned home.  That subsequently the Company of Capt. Moseman united with a company of Regulars commanded by Captain Richard and were marched to the Town of North Castle (in West Chester Co.) where they met a party of British & Tory horse with home they had something of a battle.  That he continued to serve during the remainder of the war in Captain Moseman’s Company which was frequently called to march, and one half the company was kept on duty every night as a patrol, in which service he took his turn & he supposes he was there in actual service somewhat more than half the time during the war, the County of Westchester being particularly the theatre of hostile action.
            That he was with his company at Marinac on the East River which on the day that Washington marched to White Plains was attacked by the Refugees and the Militia were dispossessed and driven from the town. 
            That he was born at Bedford in Westchester County State of New York on the 7th day of April 1753.  That he has no record of his age but the family Bible of his parents is in the possession of his Brother Thaddeus Sarles at Sparta in the same county in which his age is so recorded.  That his fellow soldier Marcus Williamson now resides in the Town of Owego Tioga Co. who can testify as to a part & the most of his service, whose affidavit is hereunto annexed—That beside him, he knows of no other person living who can testify to the same—That Captain Richard Sackett, under whom he once served as before stated died in this County two or three years since.  That he never received any written discharge from service.  That he resided sometime at Bedford after the war—that he has resided since the war, in the state of New York following removed first to Wappasuing in Tioga County N.Y. and lastly at Owego Tioga County & State of New York where he now resides.  That he is know to David Fleming, John R. Drake, Eleazar Dana, William A. Ely, Mason Webster & Jotham Rounds, who can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his service as a soldier of the Revolution, of which he has no documentary evidence.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present & declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed) Richared Sarles.
            Sworn to & Subscribed the day & year aforesaid.  Green M. Tuthill Clk

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