Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Pieter Schafer

Schafer, Peter
            His name appears on a list of applicants for invalid pensions returned by the District Court of the District of New York, submitted to the House of Representatives by the Secretary of War April 25, 1774, and printed in the American State Papers, Class 9, page 94.
Rank: Private
Regt: Col. Kooman’s
Disability: Wounded in his left arm in an action with the Indians, Tories and British.
When and Where Disabled: May 30, 1778, Cobuskill
Residence: Cobuskill
Remarks: No injury.  There are no rolls in this office
            Evidence transmitted by the District Court incomplete.  The physicians declare that this wound is not injurious.  No proof of his leaving the service.  The testimony of freeholders do not prove continuance of disability, but that he is able to labor.

State of New York
Schoharie County.
            On this second day of October 1832, personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in the County of Schoharie now sitting Peter Shafer now a resident in the Town of Schoharie in said county of residence, aged 74 years, who is duly first sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of an Act of Congress of the United States under the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. 
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
            That he the said Peter Shafer entered a private soldier in service for the term of nine months on the first of April 1775 in a company of Rangers commanded by Captain James Dietz; under the command of Peter Vrooman's Regiment in the militia served Schoharie and in CobusKill and in that vicinity that the he was in the Battle of CobusKill with Tories and Indians that he was wounded and one of his brothers was killed.
            Captain Outrander? Was killed and ??? family were killed in said battle.  That he was honorably discharged from the service in Schoharie in the State of New York in Capt. Dietz.
            That in the winter in the year 1779, Colonel Dubois saith his soldiers and the militia built a fort at Cobus Kill which was called Fort Dubois.  During the summer Colonel Dubois garrisoned said fort in the fall he marched off to the west, then the militia had to guard said fort.  That he the said Peter Shafer entered the service again in January 1780 in the company commanded by Captain ??? Brown under the command of Colonel Peter Vrooman of the militia, (Can’t read a section here) ??? Borst …………………..militia in said fort Dubois at CobusKill and ……………………that he was honorably discharged in Fort Dubois…….Peter Shafer entered the service again in the Spring 1781 in the company commanded ………Peter Shafer entered the service again in the spring of 1782 in the company commanded by Captain Brown. 
(Rest of application, simply can’t read.)

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