Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Amasa Scott

Private in Col. Sheldon,Connecticut Line 1776—3 years.  Inscribed on the Roll of New York at the rate of 8 Dollars per month, to commence on the 13th of April 1818.
District of New York Washington County SS.
            On this 29th day of May 1826, personally appeared in open Court being a Court of Record for the said County Amasa Scott aged sixty two years resident in Greenwich in said County being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his Oath declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows in Colonel Sheldon’s Regiment of Cavalry & [?] John Louis D. Van or Ives Company in the Connecticut Line which was stated in his original declaration dated the 13th day of April 1818 as appears by his pension Certificate Number 967.  And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day March 1818 & that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property in any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress Entitled an Act to provide for Certain persons engaged in the Land & Naval Service of the United States in the revolutionary War passed on the 18th day of March 1818. And that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities or contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other that what is contained in the Schedule hereto annexed & by me subscribed. Vizt.

            And I have 2 hoes, 1 foot wheel, 1 large wheel, 2 pine tables, 2 pine chests, 1 [maple?] Chest 6 old chairs, 1 fire shove & tongs, 1 pair AndIrons, 1 Crane, 1 old shovel, 2 potts, 1 small Kettle, 1 Tea Kettle, 1 frying pan, 2 pails, 1 small iron kettle, 2 pewter platters, 3 pewter plates, 6 Earthenware plates, 2 sets of ten cups & saucers, 1 tea pot, 6 tea spoons, 6 Table spoons, 4 Tin basins 1 Tin cup, 1 [flash?], 1 junk bottle, 1 earthen mug, 1 sugar bowl, 1 cream cup, 1 funnel, 2 Tin Tea Cannisters, 8 knives & forks, 1 Candle stick, 1 small tin up, 2 jugs, 1 close basket, 1 [Bernit?] Basker, 1 small stand, 1 [?], 1 Iron ladle, 1 Fresh forks, 1 Salt [?], part of a set of shoe making tools, 1 bread tray, 1 skillet, 1 looking glass.

            I do further more swear that I am a shoemaker but am unable to work but a small proportion of my time have in my family a wife 40 years old a son George aged thirteen & a daughter Esther 7 years old neither of whom are able to support themselves.  (Signed) Amasa Scott
            Sworn & declared on the 29th day of May 1826, before me.  Asa Fitch one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in said County.

State of New York
Washington County SS.
            Amasa Scott being duly sworn deposeth and saith, that he was a soldier of the Revolutionary Army of the United States of America, on the Continental Establishment.—That he enlisted as such soldier on the last of December seventeen hundred and seventy six on the first of January seventeen hundred and seventy seven  in Col. Sheldon’s regiment of Dragoons under Lieut. Thomas Seymour, at Hartford, County of Hartford & State of Connecticut, for the term and period of three years, that he belonged to Capt. Johnne Louis-de-Danejole’s Company—that he joined the company at Weathersfield—marched from thence to Albany where he & said Company was stationed—that he went from thence on a scout with a party of s’d company to Schoharrie where he was wounded by a shot from a party of Indians and Tories in his left hands, who lay in ambush—that he returned to Albany where he lay by reason of said wound and sickness several months, when and where he received his discharge it being considered that he would ever after be unable to perform the duties of a soldier, this was the last month of October of first of November in the year seventeen hundred and seventy seven—and your deponent further saith, that he is now sixty years old—that he is possessed of no property by which he can gain a subsistence—and that he lives in the Town of Greenwich County of Washington & State of New York—and your deponent further saith that by reason of his reduced circumstances he is in need of assistance from his country for support--& that he has lost his discharge—and that he has no other evidence in [sic] now in his power of his said services.  (Signed) Amasa Scott

State of New York
Washington County SS.  Greenwich April 13th AD 1818
            When personally appeared before me, Amasa Scott, the signer of the foregoing affidavit and made oath that the same was true, and I hereby certify that it does fully appear to my satisfaction, that the said Amasa Scott did so serve as stated in his said affidavit against the common enemy in the revolutionary war, and that he is in my opinion a proper subject for a pension under the “Law of the United States, providing for persons engaged in the land and naval service of the same in the Revolutionary War”, and I hereby transmit the ponderings & testimony taken & laid before me to the secretary for the department of war pursuant to the aforementioned act of Congress.  Jonathan Sprague, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Washington.

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