Morrison's Pensions


State of New York
County of Jefferson SS

            On this fourth day of September 1832 personally appeared in open court, before the Judges of the court of Common Pleas now sitting Stephen Shew, a resident of Rutland, in the County of Jefferson, and State of New York, aged 71 years, who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That on the 3rd of June 1778, an alarm was given by Solomon Woodworth a non commissioned officer in Capt: Saml: Rees' company, in Col: Visschers Regiment of the militia of the State of New York, to the inhabitants of the frontier settlements in the (then) County of Tryon about 18 miles east of the Village of Johnstown, that a party of Indians and tories were over from Canada to Fort Hunter and that in all probability they would return by the Great Marsh or Fly, about 15 miles east of the Village of Johnstown, and either murder or take prisoners all that should come in their way. Accordingly the said Sol: Woodworth ordered all the men in that part of Capt: Rees' company to turn out immediately in militia service, or rather at his alarm they volunteered and the Claimant was among the number, and stood his post on guard the same night. that on the day following, the party above alluded to, attacked that part of Capt: Rees' company as above stated and took them prisoners, the Claimant being among the number. That he was conducted to Canada and while there a prisoner, proposals were made to them to enlist in the British Army which the Claimant, and the others rejected with disdain, and in December following was exchanged at Boston and returned to Johnstown on or about the first of January 1779. That he was immediately enrolled in Capt: Little's company of Infantry, in the above mentioned Regiment, and that in the early part of the summer of 1779 the said company was ordered out for militia service, or rather volunteered, and the Claimant was among the number, and served therein by keeping Garrison, and marching through the eastern and northern the (then) County of Tryon, now the County of Montgomery, a full term of 3 months. That in the early part of the summer of 1780 an alarm was given that the enemy had again invaded the frontier settlements of the (then) County of Tryon and the militia were again ordered out, and the Claimant again served a term of 3 months under Capt: Little. that in 1781 the Claimant was again ordered out under the command of the above named Capt: Little and served therein by keeping Garrison, and "going on scouting parties" a term of 3 months. that in 1782 the Claimant was again ordered out for militia service under the above named Capt: and served a term of at least 3 months similar to that of 1779.
            In the year 1779 or 80 while keeping Garrison as above stated the Fort at Johnstown was fired upon by the enemy and was returned from the Fort. that in the year 1781 while in the militia service as above stated the enemy made their appearance near the Fort in Johnstown, the Claimant being among the number in the Fort was the first to fire upon the enemy, and in company with several others rushed from the Fort to pursue them, but were soon ordered back by Capt: Little to guard the Fort, while at the same time, Col. Willet with his Regiment in pursuit of the enemy arrived at the Fort immediately followed, overtook and attacked them in what is commonly called the Hall field, a little below the Village, where a bloody battle ensued and continued untill evening. that early the next morning the applicant in company with several others followed the enemy, overtook two of their rear guard and took them prisoners. conducted them back to the Fort and gave them up to the regular authority of the American Army as prisoners of War. that in 1780, or, 81 while in the militia service as above stated, the applicant with several others being on a scouting party took a prisoner named  John Cook about 6 miles east of the Fort in Johnstown and conducted him to the Fort and gave him up to the regular authority. That during the time of the several terms of service as above stated the applicant knew Colonels Marinus Willet, Dubois, Veeder, Waggoner, Jas: Livingston & Harper -
Majors Van Benscouton, & Rowley & Fink
Capt: Sacket.
            He hereby relinguishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid -
P. Burchard Clerk                          Stephen Shew

            I would like to note here that Stephen served under Captain Littel but was never part of the company. Stephen is listed on the payroll of Captain Jellis Fonda's Company of Exempts in Colonel Visscher's Regiment. Stephen's father, Godfrey, served as sergeant in the same company.
            The following document was copied from the Special Collections and Manuscripts, New York State Library, Albany, N.Y.. Document No. 002227, Box 14 - Tryon County Militia - Exempts. (James F. Morrison)

                                          Cauga Dist Augt 1785
            Please to let the Bearer My Father Godfred Shew have all the Pay as is due to me for Sarvice done in Your Company of Exempts and in so doing you will oblige
                                               Your Huml Servt
                                               Steven Shew
To Capt Jelles Fonda
Palle Dist

            There are no known records that would explain why Stephen served in the Exempt Company instead of Littel's Company with his brothers Henry, John and Jacob which was the company he should have  been serving in as they lived in Johnstown or in the fort.
            I would also like to add that Jelles Fonda's home and store was burned on May 22, 1780 by the forces under Sir John Johnson and Fonda moved to Schenectady where he remained until after the war.

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