Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application of Jacob Van Alstyne

State of New York
County of Albany

On the Seventeenth day of July 1832, personally appeared in open court, before the Justice Court of the city of Albany now sitting Jacob VanAlstyne, a resident of the City of Albany in the county of Albany and state of New York aged Eighty three years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States, under the following named officers, and served as herein stated, that he was born in the City of Albany in the County of Albany and State of New York on the fourth day of June in the year 1749, and is now eighty three years and upwards, that he has from the earliest part of the Revolutionary War, performed militia duty as an Officer in the General Capacities of Lieutenant, Adjutant and Quarter Master, and refers to the Commissions hereunto annexed, that he continued to serve in the said Capacities until the close of the said War, and that the whole time of his said Services far exceeds to the period of two years; that he now resides in the City of Albany, and that he formerly resided in the Town of Greenbush in the County of Rensselaer, from whence he removed into the City of Albany.

Her hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state., (Signed) Jacob VanAlstyne

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. J. G. Wasson Clk.


Service which I performed as Quarter Master and Adjutant during the Revolutionary War for the year 1775-1782 under the Regiment Commanded by Col. Stephen J. Schuyler Regt of Militia in Gen. Ten Broeck Brigade.

1776 Oct. Marched from Green Bush to Fort Edward was ordered from there to go to Fort Ann to guard with powder, from there to Jones Mill to make a bank way to Fort Ann.

1777 June. Marched from Green Bush to Fort Edward whist our army removed the stores from Lake George and in the retreat of the army to half moon point.

1777 Sept. Marched from Green Bush to Still water from thence to Bemis Heights and after the battle [?] their march to Saratoga and remained there untill his surrender.

1778 October. Marched from Green Bush to Fort Edward and remained there.

1779 October. Their marched from Green Bush to Stone Arabia in Montgomery County.

1780 May. Marched from Green Bush to Fort Hunter N. Country.

Do, May. Marched from Green Bush to Fort Edward was there at the time when Fort Ann was taken by Major Ross the British Commander and Lake George was taken by the Mjr. Ross.

1781 Oct. marched from Green Bush to Fort Edward remained their scouting about all the way to Ticonderoga.

1781 Nov. Late, Marched from Green Bush to Fort Edward.

1782 Oct. Marched from Green Bush to half moon from thence ordered to Schenectady from thence ordered to fort Edward. And performed services as a Lieut. In hunting Tories & [?] from the year 1776 to year 1781. (Signed) Jacob VanAlstyne


Letter in the pension folder.
October 9, 1939

Reference is made to your request for information relative to Jacob VanAlstine who served during the Revolutionary War as adjutant under Stephen John Schuyler in the 6 th New York Regiment and Andrew Wemple who served in the War of 1812 and died March 13, 1813.

The data which follow were taken from papers on file in the pension claim, S.28923, based on the Revolutionary War service of Jacob Van Alstyne (personal signature).

While living in Greenbush, Rensselaer County, New York, he was appointed October 20, 1775, quartermaster in the 6 th Regiment of Militia of Foot in Albany County, New York, commanded by Colonel Stephen J. Schuyler, began active duty in May, 1776, and served as quartermaster and adjutant in said regiment, having been appointed adjutant May 28, 1778, stated he also served as lieutenant, and was in service at various times until late in 1782, amounting to at least two years in all; he was at both battles of Stillwater and the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga.

Jacob VanAlstyne was allowed pension on his application executed July 17, 1832, at which time he was living at Albany, New York, having moved there from Greenbush, New York.

In 1842, he was living in Mohawk, Montgomery County, New York.

Jacob VanAlstyne died May 11, 1844, in Mohawk, New York, and his wife, her name not given, died about May, 1844.

The only surviving child of Jacob VanAlstyne was Mrs. Catlyna Wemple who was living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1850. In that year one Elizabeth A. Wemple was living (relationship not show) and one John V. Wemple of Mohawk, New York, stated that he was a great grandson of Jacob VanAlstyne.

Reference was made to Lieutenant Colonel Philip VanAlstyne and Quartermaster Matthew Van Alstyne who served in the Revolutionary War but it was not show whether they were related to Jacob VanAlstyne.

There are no further data relative to soldier's family.

The records of this office fail to show a claim for pension on file on account of the War of 1812 service of Andrew Wemple.

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