Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Henry Yanson

State of New York
Schoharie County SS.
            On this fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty three personally appeared in open court before the Honorable the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Schoharie and State of New York now sitting Henry Yanson a resident of the town of Middleburgh in the said County of Schoharie aged [sixty?] three years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he was born & has always resided in that part of the State of New York now the town of Middleburgh in the County of Schoharie.  That he was enrolled as a private in the Militia of the State of New York as early as the first day of August in the year 1775, that the regiment & company in which he was enrolled was commanded at the time of his enrollment by the following named officers; Colonel Peter Vroman, Lieutenant Colonal [Colonel] Peter Zelie, Majors Thomas Eckerson & Joseph Baker, Captain George Richtmyer, Lieutenant John Billinger Jr.  That he does not recollect the name of the Ensign.  That he belonged to the same Militia Regiment & Company until the first day of April in the year 1783, that the said Regiment & Company were commanded by the above named officers during that time as near as he can recollect.   That from the said first day of August in the year 1775 until the first day of April in the year 1783 he was very frequently on duty in the Service of the United States for short periods of from two days to one month at a time. 
            That he does not recollect the number of different times he was on duty, that he was during most of those periods under the immediate command of some officer of the Regiment or Company to which he belonged but which officer had the command each period he cannot tell.  That he does not recollect the exact time he entered the service of any of those periods nor the time when he left the same nor how long he was engaged on duty each time.  That he was not drafted, a volunteer or substitute any of the above mentioned periods to his knowledge.  That he was ordered into the service by some officer of his Regiment or company and entered the service in obedience to such order.  That he was in the middle Fort in Schoharie when Schoharie was burnt in the year 1780, that he marched with a party from the middle Fort in pursuit of the Indians and tories on their retreat at that time down the Schoharie Creek.  That he went several times to that part of the State of New York now the County of Delaware.  That he was frequently engaged in Schoharie on Garrison duty.  That he does not recollect where he went each of the above periods.  That he was in no battle during the war.  That a part of riflemen under the command of Colonel Butler came to the middle Fort in Schoharie at some time during the war and staid there a short time.  That several parties of Continental troops were at Schoharie occasionally during the war, but that he does not recollect who were their officers.  And the said Henry Yanson saith that he is positive that he was engaged on duty in the service of the United States as a private soldier from the said first day of August in the year 1775 until the first day of April in the year 1783 at different periods in the whole amounting to at least two years.  That he has no documentary evidence of his services above set forth.  That he never received a written discharge from the service.  That he has no record of his age.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.  (Signed with his mark)  Henry Yansen
            Sworn to & Subscribed the day and year aforesaid in open court. John Gebhard Jr. Clerk

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